Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

MLDI-ICoP Peer-to-Peer Mentoring... Learning from each other’s experiences

We are pleased to welcome you to P2PM, the gateway to collaboration! Even though we are different, we have one thing in common...a desire to elevate medicolegal death investigation to the level of quality it deserves. We all bring our own perspectives based on our training and experiences. Mentoring allows us to share our knowledge with our colleagues, while learning from them. Let's explore medicolegal death investigation together!

Successes are win-win for both the mentor and mentee:

  • “I was nurtured towards getting a grant”
  • “I informed the group about the GGP and one of them was awarded a grant.”

Question: What was the most valuable aspect of your P2P mentoring program experience?

  • “Motivation to continue championing change; insight from experienced professionals who championed similar change in their jurisdiction; reassurance that you are making the right decisions for the right reasons.”
  • “Talking to each other and sharing experience”

Question: What was the most valuable contribution from other people in your group?

  • “Sharing of their local practice process which I could adapt to my country”
  • “New relevant information”
  • “Honest information, sincere effort, and a kinship in the love for our job as pathologists”
  • “Learning about how Forensic Pathology is practiced in another country”
  • “Their daily lived experiences and their often insightful responses to issues from completely different contexts”

Another important success story from 2021 (during the first P2PM Round)

  • One participant was coming to the US for a conference and through the P2PM contacts, was “ to coordinate a visit to the coroner office…The medical examiner/coroner community in the US isn’t too big, despite the size of the country.” 
  • The participant told us “This is a big opportunity for me to see how well developed countries handle forensic pathology cases. I would like to invite all our MLDI CoP members to come to [my country] whenever they are planning to visit my department.”